About Brandy and End the Red

End the Red exists to help people build the life they want. Let Brandy help you find your way to healthy financial life of abundance!

Brandy T. Jones, founding President and CEO of End the Red, has created the "Financial Abundance System" to help future generations to successfully perform and maintain their finances with confidence, encouraging them to live a more financially responsible life - a life of Financial Abundance. She is particularly passionate about helping women and the next generation of young people explore how and where to understand their credit.

Stemming from personal experience, Ms. Jones has carried the vision of teaching finances to others for many years. She has walked in those shoes of being heavily in debt and for her, filing bankruptcy was not an option. The only way she could see to get out of her situation was to learn how to negotiate with her creditors and how to manage a budget. After accomplishing her goal, she felt it was a good time to reach out to train and educate others. Ms. Jones is known for her authenticity and her ability to explain in simple language otherwise complex information into easy to follow plans that everyone will enjoy. She has helped her private clients learn how to become better at managing their money more responsibly by sharing tools that make it fun to save money and understand the flow of money in our daily lives.
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